108 Bells Ceremony
n the Buddhist tradition, ringing the bell 108 times rids us of the 108 delusions that we suffer on earth. Through this ritual, we purify ourselves of the past year’s three poisons: greed, anger and delusion.
108 Bells Ceremony
n the Buddhist tradition, ringing the bell 108 times rids us of the 108 delusions that we suffer on earth. Through this ritual, we purify ourselves of the past year’s three poisons: ignorance, attachment, and aversion.
108 Bells Ceremony
n the Buddhist tradition, ringing the bell 108 times rids us of the 108 delusions that we suffer on earth. Through this ritual, we purify ourselves of the past year’s three poisons: ignorance, attachment, and aversion.
Rohatsu on The Streets of San Francisco
A one hour presentation/discussion of Joel Ekai Kreisberg’s recent experience on a street retreat in San Francisco