Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi is an acknowledged Zen master, with over 40 years of practice under his belt. Jun Po talks to be about narcissism on the spiritual path, what Awakening is, and how one can get started on the path to a deeper understanding of themselves, and their world.
Published by Keith Martin-Smith - August 4, 2013
Zen teaches the insight of the Buddha, that meditation brings an end to suffering. As esoteric as this may sound, it's an empirical fact. Ordinary people meditate and find their experience—their entire world—transformed. The poetry of their language is not myth, but an effort to do justice to their experience. When you taste the deep clear intelligence at the heart of being, nothing is left untouched.
If you wish to claim your heritage as the Buddha, the Awakened One, your best option is to find a masterful teacher such as Jun Po Roshi. With his koan dialogue process, you will learn to clear away the obscurations of a fixated mind and discover a clear, ordinary mind brimming with insight and compassion. You will begin to experience your own identity as vast, unconstrained, fearless, timeless—and eternally wakeful.
The first part of this dialogue touches on the role of language in meditative insight and the importance of articulating a worldview that reflects your insight. You'll also find discussions on compassion and transmission, as well as an amusing and informative contrast of the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen.
This is the first of a three-part series on Integral Life. Watch parts 2 and 3 here:
Although the first part is available for free, you must be a member of Integral Life to watch the rest of this series. By becoming a member of Integral Life you gain access to this and countless more hours of content—some of the most important and cutting-edge conversations happening in the world—with new audio and video being added every week. More importantly, your membership will also directly support the Integral movement at-large, helping to bring more compassion and clarity to our lives and our world.
Learn more about Integral Life: http://integrallife.com/learn-more
Published by Integral Life - June 5th, 2010
Skype interview with Zen master Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi on the importance of meditation and spiritual awareness in business.
Published by Core Change - Sep 21, 2015
A dialogue with Junpo Denis Kelly and Will Pye.
Originally Published By Awakening Diaogues - Februray 2016
Sample clip of Stuart's interview with Jun Po Roshi, head of the Hollow Bones Rinzai Zen school.
In the full interview, Stuart and Jun Po discuss the unique blend of Western and Eastern practices that makeup Mondo Zen, Jun Po's extensive experience with the immensely power version of LSD known as "window pane", and many other of the unique insights Jun Po has had into the human condition.
The full interview is part of the Extended cut of Scarier Than Death, episode 3 of Sex, God, Rock 'n Roll.
Published 2009 Sex, God, Rock ‘n Roll.