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Sutta Study with Emyo Darlene Tataryn

Sutta Study With Emyo Darlene Tataryn

Friday January 26th - 12 noon to 1 pm ET (New York)


Join us as Emyo Darlene Tataryn leads a 60 minute interactive class that will look more deeply into the Satipatthana Sutta. This is an opportunity to deepen your understanding, ask questions of the faculty and to better get to know other sangha members. Study sessions are offered Fridays noon ET (New York) throughout the practice period.

About Emyo Darlene Tataryn

A pioneer, Darlene has been doing the work since the early 70's. Her depth insight comes from working deeply with somatic healing, dance therapy, developmental and expressive movement, meditation, and other "mystic" practices. She is the creator of the Asaya Process and Maitreya's Chair; two practices which open this breathing body into receptivity, release tension, realign the spine, and bring the body into natural, blissfully calming, self-healing cycles.

As a long time Meditation instructor and Counselor with an Expressive Therapy Bias, Darlene understands and is able to navigate between the disciplines of therapy and meditation. She is steeped in the understanding of the interconnection and interdependence of all of nature. As a Zen Priest and Mondo Zen facilitator, she is able to guide and orient healthy ego function to the service of clarity and depth of heart and mind.

Darlene's history included the Rinzai Zen Hollow Bones Lineage, The Karma Kagyu Lineage, and Sahaja Marg.

One Wisdom Zen

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