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Community Practice - Election Day Council

Special Election Day Council &

Community Meditation

Shining Bright Lotus

Tuesday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm ET (New York)

Online on Zoom

Given that our weekly practice lands on the evening of election day in the US, this evening we will begin our community practice with Council. If you are not familiar with Council, we practice Council as shared by Zen Peacemakers.

In Council, we come together in a small group in a profound way. We create a shared liminal space that is safe, confidential, and perhaps sacred. We each listen and speak from the heart, encountering and experiencing one another gently and with awareness. We are not solving problems or debating issues or making plans. We are making a healing space for each of us to hear and be heard, see and be seen.

At Shining Bright Lotus, Council practice is weaving it’s way through our programs. We have integrated council into our retreats, our clergy monthly meetings and our board meetings. This will be our first Council meeting for the general sangha. If find yourself in any emotional turmoil over the elections on this Tuesday, join us this evening for a sacred council circle.

We will follow our Council practice with a 30 minute meditation practice. Buddhist meditation offers us a gateway to greater inner peace. Learning to focus our attention inside, allows for the busy-ness of the mind to fall away, nurturing tranquility and equanimity. Over time, this allows us to change our way of being with painful emotions and suffering through acceptance and compassion. Loving kindness arises naturally. Learning to bring this experience into our daily life fosters wisdom and compassion.

Join us for special evening practice on this Election Day. This session will be hosted by Ekai Joel Kreisberg.

November 3

Group Awareness Practice - Modern Mystic Institute

November 6

Sitting Group - Iron Mountain Zendo