Group Awareness Practice
A New Dimension of Zen
Modern Mystic Institute
with Kenshin Cian Whalley
Sunday 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm PT (Vancouver)*
Online on Zoom
Kenshin Cian Whalley
We're excited to introduce Group Awareness Practice, a powerful extension of Zen pure awareness meditation. This practice harnesses the unified field of consciousness, allowing us to explore awareness collectively. Participants take turns articulating their direct experience of awareness, while others simply receive as pure consciousness. There's no judgment - only an invitation to investigate your present experience of awareness, even if that means acknowledging its absence. By verbalizing the ineffable and witnessing others do the same, we often access profound states of transpersonal awareness.
Many find this practice dissolves the perceived boundaries between self and other more readily than solo meditation. Join us to experience this unique and transformative approach to Zen practice.